Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oh, dear.

Never, under any circumstances, should I write while in pain. Ever.

Last night, I wasn’t feeling all that well. I was getting some really bad stomach pain. But since it’s the NaNoWriMo, I still had to write. Not a good idea, it turns out. The scene I was writing was the reading of the will of Cole’s father, Todd. (Oh, yeah... He dies)… But before I go into that, I must inform you that during the previous scene, that is, the funeral scene, I acquired three new characters that I’ve no idea what to do with. They’re Cole’s aunt, uncle and cousin, on his mom’s side. His cousin is named Vincent. He is one of the very few characters of mine that just came with a name and I didn’t have to think for an hour on what to name him. Unfortunately, I hate him, as do I hate his parents. Todd hates them too, and that comes into play.

You see, I started writing this will-reading scene of mine. Before hand, I watched this, so that may have influenced the loopy-ness. In any case, I did what I planned first, and gave Cole and Ivy their inheritance and what not. Then, against my better judgment, I let Todd continue on. He started addressing his sister in law, brother in law, and his nephew. Me being tired and ill, I didn’t question it as much as I should’ve, knowing Todd’s tendency to want to have the last laugh… and the fact that though he’s usually quiet, he has a very good sense of humor. He left them his, and I quote now, “very precious, very old and considerably treasured potato” which he saved just for them. That’s right. Their inheritance was a potato. But it comes in a fancy box, so it’s special.

Good Lord, I must’ve been loopy to let Todd do that. It’s against NaNoWriMo law to go back and edit (I could end up in NaNo Prison!), so I must continue on with the potato haunting my mind. Though who knows? This potato could work to my advantage. It is the NaNoWriMo, where we take risks, add the most random of things, and hope it works. I think this is one of those risks.

I must spend today in its entirety writing, as I seem to have fallen behind, due to being social, then being sick. Today I feel better, and socializing isn’t required until tonight. I seem to be in my right mind, which is still insane, but in a good way… So I must write. :D

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