Monday, September 26, 2011

This Sunday’s Outfit (9-25-11)

Ha, I told you I had something cool to add to this blog! I am quite a fan of fashion blogs, and I thought I’d make my blog into more of a mix and add a fashion element. The thing is, I simply don’t have the time to make an Outfit of the Day post every day. Also, since I have no social life and spend a good amount of time at my house drawing and gaming, my outfits aren’t worth posting online every day, as they usually consist of jeans, a tee shirt and boots. So I decided to post my Sunday outfits, the one day where I actually wear outfits worth posting online. I dress up for church on Sunday, but not necessarily in a drab skirt or dress like most picture when they think of people going to church. You see, I like to put creativity into my outfits for church. Does it get me weird looks sometimes? Most certainly. But that’s what I aim for in life; it’s kind of like a score for me. The more weird looks I get, the better. ;D

So without further ado, here was this Sunday’s outfit. A day late, I’m afraid, because I messed up something. But here it is.


A bit of a simple one for me, but I rather like it. I was up late babysitting the night before, and, on top of that, didn’t sleep well. So I was going for something a bit quick and comfortable. You’ll probably see those boots often, as they are a favorite of mine. Also, black tights. I adore black tights and wear them often, even in the summer. As if I’m not strange enough, I have a strange thing about showing my legs. So when I wear shorts and skirts, I pair them with tights. I’ve not been quite daring enough to try colored tights yet, only black. Though I may, soon… (:

Yes, I need to get an actual camera and not just use a cell phone camera. But I’ll get to that eventually. :3

I have quite a few things on my winter wish-list for my closet… I’m thinking of getting into scarves this year. We’ll see how that one turn out. Some of the other things, I may end up sewing by myself, though we’ll see on that one.

Among the things I want to get are a pocket watch similar to this one, these gloves in black, and a cloak such as this one, though I may make that myself. (: I have an eclectic taste in fashion, but I’m perfectly fine with that. Who wants to dress like everyone else, all the time?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Art Block takes another victim!

Art block has attached itself to my brain and won’t let go. It’s quite relentless, I tell you.

I’ve started numerous sketches, the finished product in my head. And a glorious finished product it is! … I sketch some, then I lose interest. The only reason I can think of is because I come to a slightly more difficult part of the picture, and then think to myself that nothing is right in the world, and it’s all this drawing’s fault. So I save it, saying that I’ll work on it later. Then I don’t. The next day, I just start yet another sketch and the vicious cycle continues. This has been going on for about a week or two now. And it’s driving me to insanity, the little distance that I had left. ;D

Take, for instance, this partial sketch.

Sparrow&GarretWIPSKETCH (Now that I look at it again, his arms bug me… I must fix them eventually…)

I had much fun sketching this one while it lasted. It’s a picture of a couple OCs that belong to my best friend and I. Yes, that bird is immensely inaccurate, I know. But I was just putting a quick sketch in there until I stopped being lazy and drew an actual bird. But that aside, I got the one character’s basic pose done without giving up. I surprised myself. Then I moved on to the second character… and things went south.

I wanted the envied element of perspective in my picture, which meant that my mind created this epic pose for her, and I, of course, thought that I’d just draw it with no trouble, even though the part that is coming out at you and must be drawn perfectly was her hand. I am terrible at drawing hands, and it takes me forever to do so. So I started the hand… And then spazzed with frustration, deleted the hand and gave up. This picture has been sitting around for a few days, and it probably thinks that it is going to rot in my save files forever, never to see the light of day again. Hopefully, that will not be the case, being as I had high hopes for this picture.

So basically, aside from a half hour a day of attempted drawing, I’ve been spending my free time playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Minecraft in spurts. I play one of them for a half hour or so, then switch to the other one. After repeating that a few times, I go on Facebook and stare blankly at my newsfeed for a while, then go back to gaming. I know that I should be working on starting my math work (I’m homeschooled, and homeschooling + the attention span of a A.D.D. ridden goldfish = a failing student…) or reading some Shakespeare… But I just can’t bring my mind to concentrate on anything for any length of time these past couple weeks. Ah well, I will hopefully resume a normal mindset and be able to do something productive soon…

Ah yes, and I was going to start something cool on here today, a weekly occurrence on my blog… But unfortunately, I messed up something vital to this weekly occurrence, so it’ll be posted tomorrow. But from that point forward, it will always be posted on Sunday. Just thought I’d let you know.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Amazing Redesign and Return!

Oh my. It's been a long while.

Probably the first thing you'll notice, if you've visited my blog in the past, is a complete redesign. It's still in progress and may have minor changes soon, but the main part is done. A whole new header and layout. (:

You can read some older entries if you so desire, but they're not all that good (the art, and before that especially... the writing. *shudder*.), to the point where I might clear out some of the oldest ones... I've not decided if I shall yet or not. **EDIT** I did clear out the oldest posts. In the oldest posts, I was twelve years old. I took quizzes, and posted their results here with terrible grammar. So I deleted those horrible posts... And I cleared out a bit of the old art, leaving only a few. While before the great purge, I had about 128 posts, I now have 40. Wow. /edit

I plan to be much more active in my blogging, not only writing about art and possibly noveling and such, I'll actually write about other things as well. SO PREPARE YOURSELVES.

I aaaalmost created a Tumblr account. But I said, "Nah. This blog is WORTH IT." XD

Well. Expect posts from me soon.