Monday, September 26, 2011

This Sunday’s Outfit (9-25-11)

Ha, I told you I had something cool to add to this blog! I am quite a fan of fashion blogs, and I thought I’d make my blog into more of a mix and add a fashion element. The thing is, I simply don’t have the time to make an Outfit of the Day post every day. Also, since I have no social life and spend a good amount of time at my house drawing and gaming, my outfits aren’t worth posting online every day, as they usually consist of jeans, a tee shirt and boots. So I decided to post my Sunday outfits, the one day where I actually wear outfits worth posting online. I dress up for church on Sunday, but not necessarily in a drab skirt or dress like most picture when they think of people going to church. You see, I like to put creativity into my outfits for church. Does it get me weird looks sometimes? Most certainly. But that’s what I aim for in life; it’s kind of like a score for me. The more weird looks I get, the better. ;D

So without further ado, here was this Sunday’s outfit. A day late, I’m afraid, because I messed up something. But here it is.


A bit of a simple one for me, but I rather like it. I was up late babysitting the night before, and, on top of that, didn’t sleep well. So I was going for something a bit quick and comfortable. You’ll probably see those boots often, as they are a favorite of mine. Also, black tights. I adore black tights and wear them often, even in the summer. As if I’m not strange enough, I have a strange thing about showing my legs. So when I wear shorts and skirts, I pair them with tights. I’ve not been quite daring enough to try colored tights yet, only black. Though I may, soon… (:

Yes, I need to get an actual camera and not just use a cell phone camera. But I’ll get to that eventually. :3

I have quite a few things on my winter wish-list for my closet… I’m thinking of getting into scarves this year. We’ll see how that one turn out. Some of the other things, I may end up sewing by myself, though we’ll see on that one.

Among the things I want to get are a pocket watch similar to this one, these gloves in black, and a cloak such as this one, though I may make that myself. (: I have an eclectic taste in fashion, but I’m perfectly fine with that. Who wants to dress like everyone else, all the time?

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