Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Realm of Carendell PREVIEW?

OK, so a looong while back, I did Sims 2 pictures of the characters from my book, The Realm of Carendell. You can see those HERE :D Anyway, I did actually draw the 2 main characters, Arabella and Daravon :3


Daravon&Arabella FINAL

Full Size and HQ here http://catc0617.deviantart.com/art/The-Hybrids-179029362 (Oh, and a speed paint HERE)

So, yeah… That’s them I guess XD Just yesterday, I reached 10,000 words on the book. 3,100 of those written in one night, one sitting. o.O Anyway, in celebration, I posted the introduction page to my book on Deviant Art :D http://catc0617.deviantart.com/art/The-Realm-of-Carendell-PREVIEW-183165265 You can check it out there ^_^

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