Sunday, January 10, 2010

The creepiest picture of Link I’ve ever seen!

Hmm… I seem to be blogging quite a bit about my adventures of re-adventuring through Ocarina of Time… Anyway, I was about to bust into the grave of the Royal Family (those who have played would know what I’m talking about…) And in a small cut scene, it flashes Link’s face on there. (And when I say "flashes" I mean I had about 2 seconds to snap this screen shot... Thank goodness for save-states...) Now, this is during a storm. I almost fell off of my chair. This image (screen-shot taken by Yours Truly with great diffuculty) scared the living crap out of me. See for yourself…

Links creepy face_ocarinaoftime

Links creepy face_ocarinaoftime_brightened

The one on the top is the original screen-shot, but since it is a bit hard to see, I lightened it. The one on the top is freaking creepy. The one on the bottom, not so much, as it is Link’s regular expression. Now, I fooled around with it briefly in GIMP, and made it really, really, REALLY creepy, like so;

!!!!! THIS IS SO CREEPY LOOKING!!!!! For whatever reason, turning it black and white made it super scary looking… Anyway, I’ve had my little rant about this creepy image (that will most likely give me nightmares tonight…) so I’ll end this entry right *here*.

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