Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mario GIMP Picture Series

I’m now going to upload the rest of the photo series’ (?) that I’ve done (:


Friday, January 22, 2010

Megaman Character GIMP Picture Series

OK, so I’m going to try out the “photo album” option on this Windows Live Writer and see what happens (:

I do video game character signatures on GIMP alot, and I’ve started a new picture series, the awesome Megaman game series! :D If this photo album works correctly, I’ll also upload albums of the previous character pictures I’ve done (:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Death Mountain Background

A very simple background that I did with Death Mountain, a couple of Morons... Uhh... Sorry I meant Gorons, and a Tektite XD I rather like this one (:


Simple, yet awesome (:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Re-doing my computer!? AGAIN!?

Yes. It’s true. I have to re-do my system. Again. Which means starting Ocarina of Time over. Again.

Why am I doing this? Because my computer refuses to reboot correctly. I am working in safe mode right now. So, I have to back up my stuff again (excluding my save games; they wont work if I re-do my system) and do everything over.

This is cruelty.

Oh well…

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The creepiest picture of Link I’ve ever seen!

Hmm… I seem to be blogging quite a bit about my adventures of re-adventuring through Ocarina of Time… Anyway, I was about to bust into the grave of the Royal Family (those who have played would know what I’m talking about…) And in a small cut scene, it flashes Link’s face on there. (And when I say "flashes" I mean I had about 2 seconds to snap this screen shot... Thank goodness for save-states...) Now, this is during a storm. I almost fell off of my chair. This image (screen-shot taken by Yours Truly with great diffuculty) scared the living crap out of me. See for yourself…

Links creepy face_ocarinaoftime

Links creepy face_ocarinaoftime_brightened

The one on the top is the original screen-shot, but since it is a bit hard to see, I lightened it. The one on the top is freaking creepy. The one on the bottom, not so much, as it is Link’s regular expression. Now, I fooled around with it briefly in GIMP, and made it really, really, REALLY creepy, like so;

!!!!! THIS IS SO CREEPY LOOKING!!!!! For whatever reason, turning it black and white made it super scary looking… Anyway, I’ve had my little rant about this creepy image (that will most likely give me nightmares tonight…) so I’ll end this entry right *here*.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to 2010!!!

I find it pretty crazy that it's 2010 already! Whoa....... Something I really want to accomplish this year is to finish a book. Second on the list is to get it published :D

2009 was an amazing year for me (: I went to the first concert I've gone to in years. I saw some old friends, and I made many new friends through my new obsession with acting, and started getting more into art. I learned how to use photo-editing software, and created a great many pictures.

The greatest thing of all in 2009, though, was being able to be there for my best friend. We went through some hard times together, and we're closer than ever. She is the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. Ash, you are a strong person and you will accomplish great things in the future! :D BEST FRIENDS 4 EVA!!!

And one of the greatest accomplishments of 2009 is that I BEAT ASH IN MONOPOLY!! HA!! Only once, but it was a great accomplishment in my life. XD