Saturday, February 4, 2012

Oh, look!

This poor, neglected blog. It hasn’t had any attention from me since December. How terribly sad.

… Anyway, what has kept me so busy that I’ve not had the time to write on here?

Well, for one, a super secret project. Due to its super secret nature, I shan’t reveal anything more about it at this moment. When it is decided that it isn’t going to be super secret anymore, then I will post again with more details. :D

Also, anime and Skyrim. They’ve eaten my soul. Not that I mind.

Right then! I have a couple of pictures to share on here.

First off, four quickly drawn clothing sketches. Took about 20 minutes on each. I got the reference pictures from


Second, a speed paint thing that I did. Huzzah.


Third, a quickly sketched portrait of a woman. No idea who she is, but my Facebook people named her Allison Fernwinkle. Yes.


Aaand last, but not by any means the least…. THE UNDERTAKER FROM BLACK BUTLER! <3


My God, I love him. He’s right up there with L and Bakura on my list. So adorable. ouo I’m only 12 episodes into Black Butler and I adore him so very much.

That appears to be all for now, until I write about the super secret project. Maybe I will post about something in-between there, I’unno. Anyway, until next time! :D

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